Web Designer

Omar Faruk 

 I am a front-end developer. I have been working for one year in this field. My specialties are React js and React Native. I have done several projects. The other specialty I am self though developer. I love to code. 

What I Do

Front-End Design

My Specialty is Front-End Design. I design responsive websites and mobile apps. My Core Technology is HTML, CSS, ScSS, Vanilla Js, React Js, React Native.

Cross-Platform Development

I have expert knowledge of creating CrossPlatfrom Android/IOS apps in a single code base. In this field, I use React Native as a Core Technology.


I am also well-skilled to make restful API. Mostly, I use Flask(Python) to make any restful API. Python is the first programming language I have learned. I have two years of experience in Python. I also use Node Js as a backend programming language. I have a good catch in MySQL and PostgreSQL also.

Security Research

I am a security researcher on a littler basis. I am learning OWASP 10 Vulnerabilities and completed a bug-bounty course from Udemy.